


Numismatics is the study or collection of currency, including coins, tokens, paper money, medals and related objects. known as numismatists, are often characterized as students or collectors of coins, but the discipline also includes the broader study of money and other means of payment used to resolve debts and exchange goods

Indian Coins

Primitive Coins Vol-1

Primitive Money Vol-1

Early Coin Vol-1

Early Coins Vol-1

Saltanat Coins Vol-1

Sultanat Coins Vol-1

Mughal Coins

Mughal Coins Vol-1

Mughal Coins Vol-1

Mughal Coins Vol-2

Mughal Coins Vol-2

Indian Princely State Coins

Princely Coins Vol-1

Princely State Coins Vol-1

Princely Coins Vol-2

Princely State Coins Vol-2

British Indian Coins

British Coins Vol-1

British Indian Coins Vol-1

British Coins Vol-2

British Indian Coins Vol-2

British Coins Vol-3

British Indian Coins Vol-3

Foreign Ruler

Foreign Ruler Vol-1

Foreign Ruler Vol-1

Regular Republic Coins

Republic Coins Vol-1

Republic Coins Vol-1

Republic Coins Vol-2

Republic Coins Vol-2

Republic Commemorative Coins

Regular Commemorative Vol-1

Regular Commemorative Vol-1

Regular Commemorative Vol-2

Regular Commemorative Vol-2

Republic Regular Mint Wise Coins

Regular Mint wise Vol-1

Regular Mint Wise Vol-1

Regular Mint wise Vol-2

Regular Mint Wise Vol-2

Regular Mint Wise Vol-3

Regular Mint Wise Vol-3

Regular Mint Wise Vol-4

Regular Mint Wise Vol-4

Forge / Fake / Error Coins

Forge Error Coins Vol-1

Forge / Fake / Error Coins Vol-1

Forge Error Coins Vol-2

Forge / Fake / Error Coins Vol-2